Tuesday, January 31, 2012


assalamualaikum and hai ! :D nak bgtau something ni. saya sebenarnya confuse pasal course bla3 ni. tp dah mak saya suruh ambil medic, saya ikut je. honestly, i'm not sure which path should i take. i mean, saya takde pun specific minat sebenarnya. ye, saya suka biology, chemistry apa semua tp tidakkah menjadi doctor itu terlalu mainstream ? saya nak juga cuba course lain yg ada kaitan tapi bila dah mak suruh jd doctor, saya pun haih. ye ye jela. cuba nak tanam minat dalam diri utk ambil medic. tp for sure, saya taknak ambil accounting. saya even tolak interview bank negara untuk accounting woo. ramai org mcm "ish, ruginya ! " , and things like that. but dorang tak tahu yg saya mmg tak minat langsung dgn accounting ni. tak tahulah kenapa. mak saya ckp maybe sbb cikgu dia ? well, maybe. i don't know. and saya taknak blame sesiapa sebenarnya dalam hal ni. but yeah, when i think about it, maybe medic is not so bad. besides, i do enjoy biology and i like to memorize things. unlike physics. puihh. haha. physics mmg saya lemah gila ah. paling tnggi gred pun A je. tu pun atas pagar je pun. standard sy selalu B+ and A-. but still, saya amat bersyukur la kan :) kalau tak physics yg B, p.akaun yg B. spoiler habis. and what is the resemblance between these two ? kena byk berfikir. and saya ni jenis yg ehem. takdela terer sgt bab2 byk berfikir ni, i prefer to memorize. haha. gila ah. punye la pemalas nk guna otak. oh well. and sebab tu juga la mak saya suruh ambil medic sbb byk menghafal. and so, i agreed. i'm taking medic.

you bet i am. haha. and satu lagi, saya teringin nk study kat overseas. so, i have to choose which country that i want to study medic in. ni lagi satu yg buat saya confuse. for sure time interview dia akan tanya kenapa pilih negara tu and so on. so, i'm having a problem here. mak saya asyik tanya je nk negara mana. tension tahu ? hampir setiap hari dia tanya. and i always answered " tak tahu ". sebab itu mmg kebenaran dia. so, nk kena banyak doa and solat istikharah la ni. but all is well. haha. i'm going to think trough it tho. what matters to me is my family. as long as they are happy, i'm happy too. :)

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