Friday, June 28, 2013

that's a wrap premed :)

Assalamualaikum. andddd *drum roll* yesss premed has finally come to an end ! to be honest, i'm quite sad to the fact that premed is over because thinking that degree will be starting in two months time :(( so yeah, the exam was alright i think. Alhamdulillah :) it was fun for a matter of fact haha especially ospe :D idk why but it was quite intriguing, having to move from one station to another and the time allocated was only 3 minutes for each station. phew. mcq and saq were also alright :) the seniors said that premed's exam was truly a piece of cake, and i can see that to compare it with the actual medical style of exam. at the end of the saq, we had souvenirs ! well not really, but we could bring this back home with us :D

                                             *malas nak rotate. rotate sendiri kepala tu eh hihi*

wee :DD i'm gonna cherish every moment of premed because it truly was an awesome experience ! i really enjoyed it :D i'm gonna miss my housemates :'D because some of them probably will pursue in ukm or usm and so on, i mean other than uitm because of the upu result, which will be on the second week of july i think. but i didn't fill in the research uniersity (RU) slot. so i'll probably get uitm for my degree :) InsyaAllah.

on the same day of the last paper (after the exam of course), i went out with my dearest housemates to the curve for a movie. oops, did i write "a" ? i mean two movies heheh. pee mak and white house down :) you bet it was a movie marathon XD just to get our minds off the exam.

                                            *what has this photo booth done to my eyessss*

i love them dearly and am hoping to meet them again during degree InsyaAllah :) 

and these are my groupmates :) (group 5)

love you guys lots too :* and thanks for the coperation during my chief (ehem) thingy with all of you :)

and last but not least, my whole lecture mates, or should i say the whole participants of premed 2013 :))

thank you for the wonderful 5 weeks of extravagant experience during premed :) hope to see you all soon in degree, InsyaAllah <3

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